Saturday, May 14, 2011

Quick Update...

Hey guys, just wanted to get you in the loop here. I've been a little apathetic towards the blog the last few days. Why you ask? Just a little something called Red Dead Redemption. I've been holding out on this game for a while, but since PSN's been down I've been playing more offline stuff and trophy hunting. Well I borrowed this from a buddy because I heard how amazing it is, and I heard right. This game is awesome. Problem is, I'm playing it so damn much, that all I do otherwise is work and sleep. Not a bad problem to have with a game this great though. So anyway, I'll return to form tomorrow because I have off work.

Til then!


  1. Man I remember playing that last year, the online was such a freakin blast. Never got into the single player. I can see why it's taking over your time, lol.

  2. I love RDR so effing much, played it and all expansions.

  3. looks good and i haven't played any cowboy games for ages

  4. Red Dead Redemption is awesome! But yeah, very addictive good luck with that.

  5. I wish there was a PC version for this.

  6. One of the best single-player games I've played in a long time.

  7. Great game. But I have to say The Saboteur and Just Cause 2 are much better open world games

  8. yeah this is an addictive game, i love to just ride around :p

  9. It's the game that push you to buy a console :)
